Reducing Social, Economic and Ecological Stress with the Genuine Progress Indicator
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The dominate economic signal on Earth, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is inaccurate and dangerous in relation to our overall well-being and sustainability on Earth, while the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) would signal a long-term healthy path.
Ken Pentel will show the differences between these two measurements in relation to:
Our primary economic signal
Social, economic and environmental conditions
Human migration patterns
Legislative policy
For 36 years Ken Pentel has been a grassroots organizer and candidate for public office in Minnesota. In 1986 Ken started working with Greenpeace and then in 1996 he transitioned to become an all-purpose organizer with the Green Party of Minnesota. He was endorsed as the Green Party of Minnesota candidate for Governor in 1998, 2002, and 2006. In 2008 Ken left the Green Party to start the nonpartisan Ecology Democracy Network. After bicycling over 6,000 miles in Minnesota doing outreach and education, the mandates of the Network took shape. In May of 2010, along with Erin Wallace (now Erin Smith) as his Lieutenant Governor, Ken was endorsed to run for Governor of Minnesota on the Ecology Democracy Party ticket. As of January 2022 Ken continues to develop the projects of the Ecology Democracy Network.