Futures Study Group

Tom Abeles
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
At your location, via
Zoom Link

The Future of plant based and cultured meat
1) visit local grocery chains such as Cub and Lunds/Byerlys and look in the freezer and dairy areas for alt meat (plant based meals, milk and frozen desserts.
2 Internet search for vegan/vegetarian restaurants in the TCMA and for other restaurants that offer vegan or vegetarian items
3) review Rethinking Food and Agriculture 2020-2030 (free download at https://www.rethinkx.com/food-and-agriculture )

This meetup will follow on the introductory area of energy and fermentation which is projected to impact on the entire structure of agriculture from seeds, production, processing and markets

There will be a short introduction to the evolution of veg burgers, etc. from Morningstar in 1975 to today, and some data on the increase in products. One interesting stat: vegetarian dairy products increased in sales while conventional dairy has seen a decrease.

Discussion on the future of plant and cultured meat