Cohousing--Living in an Intentional Community

Becca Brackett , Lynn Englund
Saturday, October 26, 2024 - 10:30am to 12:00pm
Maplewood Library 3025 Southlawn Dr Maplewood, MN 55109
Meeting Recording

Becca and Lynn will share with you a housing model unfamiliar in the USA, Cohousing. 

It is a type of intentional community that will reduce our carbon footprint, reduce loneliness and get us a lot more fun in the process.
There are examples of about 180 cohousing communities across the US and we will share views of them.

A key element is that the residents form a group intending to be good neighbors, they participate in the planning, and run the community after it is built.
The idea came from Denmark, which always places in the top three happiest countries according to the Gallup   World Happiness Report.

Becca Brackett  retired MD, president of a local Cohousing project " CedarCohousing LLC". The Cedar Cohousing project wants to be for all generations, and locate in an area urban enough for good transit and with amenities within walking distance. They hope to build an energy efficient building with about 30 households.

 Lynn Engund currently serves as the treasurer of Twin Cities Cohousing Network. She has had a lifelong interest in the formation of intentional communities. She was a founder of Hearth Communities, a group of families and single adults who, despite not living together, declared themselves to be an intentional community over 30 years ago. Lynn was also one of the instructors who taught “Philosophy Camp”, a U of MN 3-week residential experiential philosophy course held near Windom MN during May term.