The MISF Journal, The Minnesota Scholar, was previously named Practical Thinking (2005-2015), and The Forum (1989-2005). It is published semi-annually, normally in the spring and fall of the year. The purpose of the journal is to provide a publishing venue for independent scholarship. As such, it generally consists of one to three essays, book reviews, and reports of MISF monthly programs, but does not actually exclude any type of scholarly writing, including poetry and artwork.
The length of the journal is limited to 12 pages, and submissions are normally limited to 1,800 words each.
Publishing in the journal is open to all persons of a scholarly inclination, both MISF members and non-members. A submission does not necessarily have to reflect a completed project of scholarship, but may be a work-in-progress. The journal editor makes the decisions of what to accept and what to decline, but most worthy efforts are accepted.
The journal is free to the public, but only MISF members are entitled to receive copies by US mail.