Philosophy Study Group

Curt Hillstrom
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
At your location, via

Zoom Link

We will discuss a paper by Nancy Fraser, “Social Movements vs. Disciplinary Bureaucracies: The Discourses of Social Needs” (1987) Center for Humanistic Studies Occasional Papers, Number 8, 3-37. For a copy of the paper, click here.

Also, we are, actively looking for a good location to start in-person meetings again. If you know of a centrally located place that you think would work for us, contact me. But even when we find one, we plan on continuing Zoom meetings if there is enough interest.
While on the MISF website, feel free to join (if you're not already a member of MISF), contribute, and/or volunteer. Just think of all the wonderful things you can do. Just think of all the wonderful things we can do together.