The Minnesota Scholar, June 2020
Volume 15, Number 1
Thinking, Suffering, and Voting 2020 (Joseph Amato)
Oral History Grant Project:
Blood, Fire and Something Else – It Began Here (Peter Simmons)
Book Review: (Curt Hillstrom)
Conservation on the Northern Plains: New Perspectives (Anthony J. Amato)
Obituary: (Dale Schwie)
Remembering: Kay Schwie
Editor’s Perspective:
In Light of the Times (Evelyn D. Klein)
Recent Forums
Minnesota Swedes Raising Cane (Marilyn McGriff )
Minnesota Women: First in the Nation to Vote in 1920 (Lois Glewwe)
Poetry Day via Zoom (Joseph Amato, Evelyn Klein, Vicki Mickelson)