History of the Scholars Now Available!
Scholars Without Walls, A History of the Minnesota Independent Scholars’ Forum, 1983-2018 by Lucy Brusic, Evelyn Klein, and Michael Woolsey. Wise Ink, 2019.
Scholars Without Walls recounts the story of the founding of the MISF, one of the first independent scholar organizations in the nation. It then continues the story through the next 35 years. The book contains essays by prominent scholars including Tom Abeles, George Anderson, Robert Brusic, Marilyn Chiat, Gus Fenton, Rhoda Gilman, Ginny Hansen, Kim Heikkila, Curt Hillstrom, Roger Jones, David Juncker, Evelyn Klein, Rhoda Lewin, Bill McTeer, Steve Miller, Arthur Naftalin, Dale Schwie, Susan Margot Smith, Robert Thimmesh, Helen Watkins, Lee Wenzel, Shirley Whiting, Mary Treacy, David Wiggins, Morgan Grayce Willow, and Mike Woolsey. A narrative text runs through the book, as it tells the story of the first 35 years of the Minnesota Independent Scholars’ Forum.
This book has been three years in the writing. The 304-page book includes photos and a
colorful cover. It has a complete index .
Order from lucybrusic@gmail.com.