MISF Annual Meeting

The Minnesota Independent Scholars Forum Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, September 26, 10:00am, just prior to the scheduled program at the caetaker’s cottage of the Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetary (see Upcoming Events). The meeting and program will be outdoors. Bring a lawn chair and, of course, wear a face mask.

Business to be conducted this year are committee reports, elections for open Board seats, and a change to our bylaws. Board terms run for three years. The mission of the Minnesota Independent Scholars Forum is to support independent scholarship in Minnesota. If you support our mission and are interested in being on the MISF Board, contact Steve Miller at 651-631-0889 or at pugrule@prodigy.net. Nominations can be made from the floor.

The proposed change to the bylaws will allow the President of MISF to continue in that role if there is no one who is willing to succeed him or her, which has so far been the case this year. 

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