Dakota Life in Minnesota in the 19th Century.
Grantor: Walt and Elizabeth Bachman Donor-Advised Fund at the Minneapolis Foundation
Grantee: Carrie Zeman
Project Leader:
Project Duration: Sep 1 2014 to Dec 31 2015
Project Description:
Probe of National Archives (NARA) Record Group 217, Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, to identify the location, type, and scope the extant record generated by the Federal Government’s treaty obligations to Dakota people in Minnesota between 1830 and 1863.
The project included: research trips to the National Archives in Washington, D.C., digitizing selected records, research in corollary collections, analyzing findings, writing reports, and making presentations on results.
Beyond discovering new primary source material for the grantee’s own work and others in the research community, grantee gathered information that may, at its discretion, allow the Minnesota Historical Society to pursue incorporating the digitization of select records from RG 217 into future budgets to give the general public access to these records.
Vendor Tasks: